Fear Not Fear Itself – Comments

“This is a wonderful film! Such a terrifying, anger-inducing topic, done in a very humorous way.” —Deborah Espect, Latest TV Ltd, UK

“ ‘Fear Not Fear Itself’ is a brilliant summary of our current situation in the United States.” —Joan Esposito, WCPT-AM, Chicago, IL USA

“I loved the movie. Girl, you can sing! Lyrics are fabulous. Congratulations.” —Elizabeth Palmer, Senior Foreign Correspondent, CBS News, London, UK

“ ‘Fear Not Fear Itself’ is really clever!!!”—Don Moseley, Senior Fellow, DePaul Center for Journalism Integrity & Excellence, Chicago, IL USA

“Dawn Westlake is an artist and has made a really interesting short musical film about the state of our politics – and so much more. Everyone needs to see ‘Fear Not Fear Itself’.” —Shelly Laskin Hettleman, Senator in the Maryland General Assembly, Baltimore, MD USA

“I just watched ‘Fear Not Fear Itself’ again. I do love it very much. Your film talks about all these dark things, which are unfortunately now almost more current than we had dared to fear, but the uplifting, sunny, friendly, lovingly quirky way in which you address and comfort (!) your audience is a blessing in these depressing times. Your ‘Zoom People’ who become more and more numerous with each refrain, despite the animated monster haunting the film, THAT is of course one of those optimistic gestures with which we actually want to identify America.” —Gian-Philip Andreas, independent film and TV critic, Berlin, Germany

“ Just saw ‘Fear Not Fear Itself’ and was reminded how talented you are. Clever too. This film is devilishly good. A lot went into this. Thanks for sharing this important work.” —Jerry Bowen, retired CBS News correspondent, Los Angeles, CA USA

“I just had the pleasure of watching ‘Fear Not Fear Itself’. Brava, brava, brava!
I really don’t know how you keep doing it… All these wonderful films with such high quality and depth. You are a singular talent without question.” —Steve Burrows, writer/director of the acclaimed HBO documentary feature, “Bleed Out”, Milwaukee, WI USA

“Excited to share a new short film from Ron de Cana Productions! ‘Fear Not Fear Itself’(2024/USA/5) brings award-winning filmmaker and poet Dawn Westlake’s poem to life through her direction, production, and performance. With music by Jason Luckett, cinematography and editing by Pol Carrizo Vilarroig, and animation from Marta Fabón Ortiga, this 5-minute USA production is a visual treat. Can’t wait for you all to experience this fabulous artistic collaboration on a vital subject during this election season.” —Jacalyn Eyvonne, Poet Laureate & Director of Monologues & Poetry International, Vallejo, CA USA

“Gracias por mandarnos tu corto, y por tu trabajo crítico. Habrás visto que ‘Fear…’ encaja al 100% en el tema principal de esta edición, “La derecha contra los derechos” por lo que te informo que tu corto va a abrir la sesión inaugural. Hacemos las cosas muy seriamente, pero nos gusta ofrecer propuestas innovadoras y rompedoras de afrontar los Derechos Humanos, un tema visto a priori como “duro o pesado”. Por eso queremos, supongo que como tú, ofrecer enfoques diferentes, que estimulen a la gente a pensar y a tomar partido, para lo que tu film es ideal. (Y todo esto, considerando el humor, y el sarcasmo, como una cosa muy seria ;-). Felicidades por tu trabajo. Por cierto, compartirás sesión con el último film de Errol Morris, ‘Separated’.” —Oriol Porta, director, IMPACTE! Human Rights Film Festival, Barcelona, Spain